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Monday, October 13, 2003

More on the Geneva Accords

Again and again I ask myself, what is it that makes people like Yossi Beilin trust the Arabs enough to concede anything that can compromise Israel's security. Here are two views of the so-called Swiss Accords, one from Haaretz and the other from the Jerusalem Post.

This from Haartez, the mouthpiece for the left:

Details that have come to light so far show that most of the compromising was done on the Israeli side, especially in terms of the determination of borders and the division of Jerusalem. The Geneva accord goes even further than Barak did on some points. It gives up Ariel and transfers authority on the Temple Mount to the Palestinians. It surrenders Israeli control of the border passages between Israel and the Palestinian state (but not its demilitarization); it grants status to an international force in Jerusalem and at border points; and agrees to a border based on the Green Line, with a 1:1 exchange of territories.

The Palestinians' main compromise was in recognizing Israel as the state of the Jewish people...
What is it that leads these people to believe that peace with Israel is at all acceptable to the Arabs? The fact that they promise to recognize Israel as the "State of the Jewish people?" [Don't kid yourself into thinking that that si hte same as a Jewish State.]Have those on the left been able to explain away Oslo's failures to the point that they want to reward the Arabs for 10 years of murder? And they don't even care what kind of State they would grant to the Arabs who want Israel destroyed. again from Haaretz:
As one official involved in the agreements put it, "As far as I'm
concerned, it can be a dictatorship like it is in Egypt, but if they can't provide security, there will be no accord."
Tovah Lazaroff at the Jerusalem Post got it right:
Transportation Minister Avigdor Lieberman said on Israel Radio Monday morning the agreement should not be signed in Geneva, but rather in Munich.

"I would call it Munich 2," Lieberman said.

Former Palestinian Minister for Prisoner Affairs Hisham Abd al-Raziq was quoted in Monday's Al-Quds newspaper as saying that the unofficial "Geneva Initiative" completed Sunday by Palestinian and leftist Israeli negotiators did not include a Palestinian concession on the "right of return." ...

...Likud Minister Uzi Landau called the effort "anti-democratic." More than 1,000 Israelis have already been killed as a result of similar efforts, he said.

Social Affairs Minister Zevulun Orlev (NRP) said such initiatives harm Israel and hurt the government's ability to reach an agreement.

"Apparently," he said of the former politicians, "they still do not understand that the public pushed them out of the government."


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