Somewhere on A1A...

Monday, September 29, 2003

Happy 5764

We have a small congregation, so it was a real treat to have a visiting Cantor for the Services this weekend, they were truly beautiful, especially his singing of Hineni... but I'm tired.

It'll take a day or so to catch up with the blogging, especially since Allison has already sent me on a goose chase reading the evidence that blogging really is beginning to change journalism. I know my habits have changed.

This morning, to catch up on a weekend's worth of news, where I didn't even read a newspaper nor watch any tv news, it was my daily blog reads that I first visited. After I work my way through the regular blogs, then I might read a newspaper, and only the online versions, to decide if there is something worthwhile, or something that stirs my emotion enough to write a few words about. All of the major stories are covered pretty thououghly by the bloggers.

As more people become aware of blogs this trend will only become more apparent. That's a good thing.

By the way..... don't miss the Cul-de-sac!


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